Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Old memories.

I remember making these simple flashcards with black markers on white cardstock and taping them to the side of Jr S's crib and changing table. She really enjoyed those. She also used to enjoy seeing the light coming in from the side of the crib and the contrast which the slats offered her. This was recommended by my amazing sister from the book "The Baby Whisperer". One of the first handmade toy we made was rattle out of a cereal can. It was vibrant yellow with a small plastic ball inside it. Jr S loved to look at it . Another toy which Jr S loved was a remote control which helped us immensely as Jr S was not very tolerant of tummy time till she found out about the remote. Later we also used it to develop further milestones like creeping and crawling. One thing which has not changed since when she was a baby is her love for books. I remember the funny times when she was about 7 months ,she would instinctively start searching for her book stashed in the pocket of out rocker when it was sleep time. She still loves to have books read to her. her favorite phrase: ata vachuya ekda ani mag last time, translated means lets read , once and then the last time.